
Inglorious Pastards

TW: So, before I start this and it has actually been a long, long time, I really need to say that whatever you are going to read  after this apparent trigger warning is of your own volition and no one has forced you to read this but I encourage you to read this since many a times we all get caught up in our feelings and whatever I am about to write is going to address that. Some of itis a rant and a vent, some of it is lessons learnt and some of it is my own personal experience with dealing with people. So here goes hoping to see you at the end. These are my opinions and if you disagree I am open to discussions. PASTARD : noun,  a person chronically obsessed with the past, delusional and lacking all sorts of accountability (not to be confused with nostalgia) Funnily enough, I had to coin a new word in order for me to truly get my feelings across to anyone who reads this and I hope this word  catches on because no matter where we are, what we do, where we live; we...

Results of Petrichor

Little droplets of rain dripping down my window after bouncing off of the balcony parapet suddenly steered me down a melancholic and contemplative lane and just then a bright spark of lightning amidst the cloud ridden sky popped in my head a thought; merely vague to some and an experience to some others; the thought about how vaguely trifling our philosophies and mindsets have become. And to top it off we are indulged in self praise about the way we think and how we discard someone when he or she or sometimes “it” tries to correct us.  So, what I actually was thinking is related to our concepts of life as a whole and how we actually are ruining ourselves by glorifying our ignorance and by failing to acknowledge the truth that life itself teaches us. How does life teach us anything? Well, it’s really very simple. In fact, it is just one word- Experience. How many of us have suffered heartbreaks for the exact same reason? How many of us have failed at a certain thing because of ...

Let Our Countries Awake!

Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way  into the dreary desert sand of dead habit; Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action – Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake. This is an excerpt from the poem Let My Country Awake by the great Rabindranath Tagore and in the light of recent events, there’s nothing more suitable that is to be read by all the citizens of this country. Times are getting tougher every moment and the future holds even worse for us if things head down the same path that they have been following lately. The epitome of God’s creation has seen a grave downfall in the course of their actions and have started to behave like animals in the jungle. This is alarming since we are the only species that was supposed to extend life into a further new meaning and add higher and newer dimensions to the pre-existing definitions of existence and life itself. However, we have turned into scavengers. W...

The Frailties of Human Ties

For reasons simply unfathomable I once sat down to contemplate and introspect on two words- words acquainted to all yet known to a few. It occurred to me that it's not so easy to really get a grasp of the matter I was getting my head into. The words that kept on reverberating in my head incessantly were these- HUMAN TIES. Now this is something that all of us experience but I maybe have somewhat of a different view over everything. So, here goes. Bonding is what everyone does, knowingly or not we make what they like to call "friends" and also foes. Little do we know that at some point of time in our lives, this thing will come to bite us. Our naivety is so humongous that it acts almost like a blindfold over our intellect and our rationality is out to rest. Well, our rationality isn't of much use to this use in this case because all of us suffer due to our insatiable need to be around people. I am not speaking on everyone's behalf. Introverts, you rock! If we rea...

My Recent Experiences with Sorrows

Being cornered in solitude is in itself a kind of boon as I’ve realised from my experiences. “Sweet are the uses of adversity” is such a true saying. All of your learning is directly dependent on how much you suffer. Happiness is a bad, bad teacher; it teaches you nothing but rather it forms a miasma around your head that you “know” things. It is all in your bad and dark days that you learn things; learn about people and most importantly about yourself. Ever been in one of those situations where you feel all alone and gloomy, cornered in a room whose walls always close in on you? That, my friend, bad is it may seem is one of the best things that could ever happen to you. Yes, you heard me right. I consider sorrows to be a blessing all thanks to my optimism that there is a tad bit of good in every bad. I find sorrows enlightening and I do not condemn them. We all are foolish in our own regards and might as well learn something when the greatest teacher ever- LIFE is trying to teach...

A few New Efforts

Well, it is the season of festivities and rejoicing. The year went by in the blink of an eye. It was only a few moments ago when I was just a fresher in the college and now an entire year is almost completing itself(not the academic one, of course)! Also, this time of the season rejuvenates our spirits and instills in it a new enthusiasm about how our new year is going to be; at least according to our expectations. The reality is quite far from what we expect it to be, but that's just what life is-UNPREDICTABLE. And in name of these expectations we set our "new year's resolutions". Well, like all of you, I myself have taken a few new resolves for me but I like to call them my NEW YEAR'S EFFORTS.It is not going to something huge or seemingly impossible but a few little efforts that I plan to make so that I have more peace than I had in the year passing by. First and foremost, Fuck what they think! This is what I always preach and promote and always follow. No m...

Facets of Joy

WHAT IS HAPPINESS? This is one of the very few topics I got when I put out a post up on Instagram asking people to suggest me topics to write on as I had gone completely and absolutely blank. Happiness is quite an interesting thing. Deceptive so to say, it leads us to various assumptions and expectations only leading to our sorrows. I was asked what happiness really is. And just like everyone else I expect other things from HAPPINESS. My approach to life has been very practical. I try to think as rationally as possible and try to get my emotions out the way of my thinking. This has had its own share of pros and cons; sometimes I have made the most prudent of decisions and at times I’ve missed out on conducting wise thinking, all this being taught to me by my mother. Also, I was never taught to take anything in my life for granted. And hence, I’ve never taken happiness for granted too. My happiness lies in “detail”. It’s not the greatest of things that make me happy, except a Mat...