Inglorious Pastards
TW: So, before I start this and it has actually been a long, long time, I really need to say that whatever you are going to read after this apparent trigger warning is of your own volition and no one has forced you to read this but I encourage you to read this since many a times we all get caught up in our feelings and whatever I am about to write is going to address that. Some of itis a rant and a vent, some of it is lessons learnt and some of it is my own personal experience with dealing with people. So here goes hoping to see you at the end. These are my opinions and if you disagree I am open to discussions. PASTARD : noun, a person chronically obsessed with the past, delusional and lacking all sorts of accountability (not to be confused with nostalgia) Funnily enough, I had to coin a new word in order for me to truly get my feelings across to anyone who reads this and I hope this word catches on because no matter where we are, what we do, where we live; we...