The Frailties of Human Ties

For reasons simply unfathomable I once sat down to contemplate and introspect on two words- words acquainted to all yet known to a few. It occurred to me that it's not so easy to really get a grasp of the matter I was getting my head into. The words that kept on reverberating in my head incessantly were these- HUMAN TIES. Now this is something that all of us experience but I maybe have somewhat of a different view over everything. So, here goes.

Bonding is what everyone does, knowingly or not we make what they like to call "friends" and also foes. Little do we know that at some point of time in our lives, this thing will come to bite us. Our naivety is so humongous that it acts almost like a blindfold over our intellect and our rationality is out to rest. Well, our rationality isn't of much use to this use in this case because all of us suffer due to our insatiable need to be around people. I am not speaking on everyone's behalf. Introverts, you rock! If we really clear our head and look on this from a practical point of view, we'll get to actually realize the fault in our concepts of friendships, love and enmity.

Our gullible minds are made to believe that a few talks; that rid our hearts of pain; with someone who really has the same amount of experience in the same field, is really what is called affection of any sort. Our imagination and beliefs are so immature that the reality becomes so far-fetched that it almost seems like an endless abyss. The truth, however, when comes to hit you square in the face once you've ignored it, increases the pain many-fold.

The only truth about human ties is the fact that they are ephemeral. This might seem sort of an unpopular opinion but it is true. If you really seek permanence then seek yourself, for everything in this world is really trying to drive you out of your true self. No matter what people say or do, they eventually will, and mark my words, leave. Some leave your life, some leave you stranded and some leave you in a troublesome situation, no matter who they are. Your likeness to them is dependent on appearances, monetary benefits or your resourcefulness. If you satisfy some or all of these criteria, you are their "FRIEND". Also, likeness is influential and biased. If you like a guy who likes a guy, you automatically like the third guy. These sort of likenesses are a result of what we call stupidity. Our prejudices act as clouds over our judgment of the right or wrong. Many people these days have formed an image of in their heads of how everything is supposed to be or how it all should turn out. If you fit that design pattern, you're good. However, if you are  an outcast who actually has some brains and can actually act on his own, you are damned to be called a bunch of adjectives by the people who deserve these very words. Hearsay is an important factor in the formation of prejudices because two people on the same levels of intelligence (by this I mean stupid) will actually be believing hat they hear. As long as you are willing to make efforts for the sake of your love for people, your bonds will survive and dare you expect them to mend their wrong doings!

Some people say that the only people who'd treat you with respect are your parents and your spouse. Well, try being unemployed till 35 and you'll see for yourself. Your true nature isn't always embraced and you'll be critiqued a lot for this. No worries man! Be outspoken, be sarcastic, be who you always wanted to be and if nobody likes you, well screw them. Likeness isn't desired, it is achieved. Nobody will really like you, ever! Things will change, they did for me and if they aren't changing for you, then I am sorry but you are surrounded by a lot of fake fucks, So, all I'm trying to say is if you have people don't trust them and if you haven't-the lone wolf never dies. People never change they just become more of who they really are; so if you see this acknowledge their true nature and move the fuck on.

Till then- be you, do you and be who you set out to be.


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