Facets of Joy


This is one of the very few topics I got when I put out a post up on Instagram asking people to suggest me topics to write on as I had gone completely and absolutely blank.

Happiness is quite an interesting thing. Deceptive so to say, it leads us to various assumptions and expectations only leading to our sorrows. I was asked what happiness really is. And just like everyone else I expect other things from HAPPINESS.

My approach to life has been very practical. I try to think as rationally as possible and try to get my emotions out the way of my thinking. This has had its own share of pros and cons; sometimes I have made the most prudent of decisions and at times I’ve missed out on conducting wise thinking, all this being taught to me by my mother. Also, I was never taught to take anything in my life for granted. And hence, I’ve never taken happiness for granted too. My happiness lies in “detail”. It’s not the greatest of things that make me happy, except a Matte Black Lambo perhaps, but the trifling things that make me smile. And real happiness just like freedom isn’t felt from the outside. It’s within us and we wander about searching for it. My happiness is in my mother’s smile and my father’s high held head. It’s not in materials but in emotions. It’s in people remembering what I asked them to do or what suggestions I gave them. It’s in people acknowledging my flaws and taking me for who I am.  My happiness is a basketball game and solitude. It is listening to Eminem while I’m at my worst. It’s in Lionel Messi’s free kicks and LBJ’s chase downs. It’s a million little things that my heart smiles upon. It’s in my best friend calling me just to ask,”What’s up?”. Hell, it’s even in sitting in silence. My happiness lies in my peace of mind.

Also, nothing and everything makes me happy. Kinda stupid, ain’t it? It’s true to say that we are not always happy but when we actually are happy, do we really feel that joy? Can we look into our hearts and acknowledge our happiness. No, we cannot; simply because of the fact that our expectations of happiness were very high and what we got was “below par”. We refuse to accept reality as it is and our hopes continue to deteriorate us from within. What we really should do is make our happiness an extension of our body and mind. Easier said than done, though, the previous statement. It’s easier being happy than maintaining your joy. I’ve heard people finding happiness and in LOVE, and just like these people their rejoices are short-lived. Makes me laugh really when the same people whine about how they are feeling sad because of the former two reasons. Nothing but us makes us happy. People are stupid and love is tricky. People specially never bring me joy simple because they’re not on the same intellectual levels as me. I’m not bragging but just simply stating the obvious. Only a handful of people make me happy whenever they open their mouths. Also, at times we ourselves intend to drive away our pleasures. And that is a result of our lack of judgement with people and our poor choices. It’s simply because we are either too emotional or too stupid. We make all the wrong choices and sabotage our joy. Some people let in all the wrong folks in their lives and eventually abhor the entire mankind. For God’s sake people, just because you’re stupid doesn’t mean the world has turned evil.

And if we cannot do anything, we blame it on God! Really been there, done that. Not just me, all of us. We have a predefined path that’s true but whether we travel joyfully or in sorrow it’s totally up to us. Seriously people, I’m sure God has more important things to do than making you sad.

So, to suffice, I am my own happiness and you should be yours. I’m my peace and everything that has to do with it. I don’t let anybody disturb and neither should you. Like a dog sniff out the dangers to your joys from your life and put one leg up and give them what they deserve.
Stay insouciant.
Peace out!


  1. Lets decide to pursue this real happiness in our lives and spread the same in this world, for which the human existence meant for, as prescribed in Shrimad Bhagwat geeta.

  2. It's in small things that real happiness lies ,
    It's the real happiness that is enough to wipe out the reasons to cry !

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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