Results of Petrichor

Little droplets of rain dripping down my window after bouncing off of the balcony parapet suddenly steered me down a melancholic and contemplative lane and just then a bright spark of lightning amidst the cloud ridden sky popped in my head a thought; merely vague to some and an experience to some others; the thought about how vaguely trifling our philosophies and mindsets have become. And to top it off we are indulged in self praise about the way we think and how we discard someone when he or she or sometimes “it” tries to correct us. 

So, what I actually was thinking is related to our concepts of life as a whole and how we actually are ruining ourselves by glorifying our ignorance and by failing to acknowledge the truth that life itself teaches us. How does life teach us anything? Well, it’s really very simple. In fact, it is just one word- Experience. How many of us have suffered heartbreaks for the exact same reason? How many of us have failed at a certain thing because of the exact same reasons? How many of us can legit say that we are a better and updated version of what we were a year ago? Hell, let alone a year; consider a month, a week or even a day. Not many of us can! And if you have the audacity to say so, please reflect on your thoughts about whether or not you are lying to yourselves. I am not undermining any of us. I still am the exact same asshole I was yesterday, maybe even worse. Some of us really have changed but if it is for the good or the bad we really don’t know. Some of us have become more “badass” and in this event of badassery we have lost sense of comradery, humility and a bunch of other words that make no sense to us. There are only a handful of us who really have excelled at whatever we had to do in our lives. That counts for changes for the betterment. 

Our inability to gladly extend ourselves to others also has a faltering effect on our experience gathering capabilities. We walk around with this pack-like mentality that “The lone wolf dies but the pack survives”. This was good only in the Game of Thrones and guess how that turned out in the end? Your pack is a bunch of people with the same intellect as you, in other words you are a group of equally stupid people with no other extra experiences to share and hence, you  learn nothing. You refuse to interact with others because you are pre-opinionated about them because your pack members told you so. I am no expert in life but one thing I know for sure and that is I have learnt much more alone and with different people than I have with only a certain group of individuals. Also, we all are stupid and we have got to acknowledge this. We say certain things and later become hypocritical about them. We have our own theories about everything and we are not willing to change them. 

Our logic and rationality is compromised and our false sense of hope that we are right is prevalent in our temperament. We are biased towards whatever we think is right even when we deep down in our hearts know that it is not. This is why we make choices that aren’t really favourable for us even when we really need to think about ourselves and what would be the best for us and yet we harm ourselves and term it as a “compromise”. I am not criticising empathy, I am just criticising stupidity done in the name of empathy. We damage ourselves and place the blame on someone else, when making the right decision was like seeing a church by daylight. I really do not think that everything happens for some particular reason, they just happen. It really does not have anything to do something with you learning something from it. Not everything has a purpose. Life just happens sometimes and there is really nothing you can do about it. In life, some things are just what you get, they have nothing to do with what you deserve. You have to play with the hands you’re dealt and make the most of it. You just have to acknowledge your helplessness and move on because sometimes, doing nothing is the best thing to do. Life gets bigger than you at times and these are the times where you just have to concede defeat. 

But when things are really in your hand and you seriously make a blunder in your choices because you put someone else over yourself, you really are stupid. Some people do it in the name of love and friendship which seems to exceed all boundaries of being logical and rational. If one cannot decide what is the best for himself, how in the world will you decide what is the best for your best friend or your lover? Also, many cannot make any such decisions because they are really afraid of the dire consequences that follow as it usually involves leaving a person or changing a job you don’t like or any harsh decision that makes them appear bad or rude. They are too much of a crowd pleaser and that’s all they would ever be in the course of their lifetime. 

All i am saying is do not take settling down literally. There’s an entire world out there waiting for you. You will have things you desire and you also will have things you don’t. You will also be given things that don;t make sense to you but that’s just the way it is. They just happen and sometimes for no reason at all. All you need to know is that there will be dark days and there will be bright days and you just have to tackle them one day at a time. Remember that the brightest shines have in their roots a darkness simply unfathomable, just like how the biggest quasars in the universe are powered by the most supermassive of black holes. So take your dark days as motivation and shine and do not just settle for anything you are given. And as Rocky said to Creed- 

    “One step, one punch, one round at a time.”


  1. All points seems relatable . conclusion drawn- be more proactive , assertive and aspire to live the life beyond comfort zone prisim-- prashant

  2. Man, you have the ability to make people think. Kudos!!

  3. This is something really amazing. Nice piece of word. Keep it up

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You made me introspect so many things. It's amazing. Last paragraph especially.

  6. Best words come from the depths of unimaginably exquisite places.
    And you, my friend, possess all of those intricacies within that uniquely irreplaceable gray matter squished beneath your skull.

  7. loved it .
    i write poems


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