
Showing posts from 2018

A few New Efforts

Well, it is the season of festivities and rejoicing. The year went by in the blink of an eye. It was only a few moments ago when I was just a fresher in the college and now an entire year is almost completing itself(not the academic one, of course)! Also, this time of the season rejuvenates our spirits and instills in it a new enthusiasm about how our new year is going to be; at least according to our expectations. The reality is quite far from what we expect it to be, but that's just what life is-UNPREDICTABLE. And in name of these expectations we set our "new year's resolutions". Well, like all of you, I myself have taken a few new resolves for me but I like to call them my NEW YEAR'S EFFORTS.It is not going to something huge or seemingly impossible but a few little efforts that I plan to make so that I have more peace than I had in the year passing by. First and foremost, Fuck what they think! This is what I always preach and promote and always follow. No m

Facets of Joy

WHAT IS HAPPINESS? This is one of the very few topics I got when I put out a post up on Instagram asking people to suggest me topics to write on as I had gone completely and absolutely blank. Happiness is quite an interesting thing. Deceptive so to say, it leads us to various assumptions and expectations only leading to our sorrows. I was asked what happiness really is. And just like everyone else I expect other things from HAPPINESS. My approach to life has been very practical. I try to think as rationally as possible and try to get my emotions out the way of my thinking. This has had its own share of pros and cons; sometimes I have made the most prudent of decisions and at times I’ve missed out on conducting wise thinking, all this being taught to me by my mother. Also, I was never taught to take anything in my life for granted. And hence, I’ve never taken happiness for granted too. My happiness lies in “detail”. It’s not the greatest of things that make me happy, except a Mat


It's in these moments of solitude, that I start questioning the very existence of relations; for I, most verbose, most insouciant, have been left in times like by these not by my own accord but by these very relations that I used to consider dearest or rather "YOU" consider dearest. All my heart seems to grow cold and all my happiness seems to be drained out of my heart just like water flowing through a muslin cloth leaving only the dirt behind. And I cling on to that dirt, just like many people cling on to their hope never to let go. It is strange to see how we let people to see our darkest sides as well as our joyous one, how we let them in, start loving them and ultimately end up getting hurt by them. Mostly, people tell me that it is all a part of life. But then i question myself if I have to feel sad, why should someone else be the reason for it. Am I not responsible for all that goes on in my life? It's as if the dementors of loneliness have started sucking